Release history
July 14, 2005
Lethevert has created a Japanese version of the Clean system. We have included a link to his project with his kind permission.
May 31, 2005
Clean 2.1.1 is released for Windows, MacOS X, Linux, and Solaris. This release contains bug fixes and new features, to wit:
- Libraries for Windows: GAST, GECs, Hilde, Parser
- Foreign exports
- Improved redirected standard input/output
- Let in comprehensions
- Code generator optimisations
October 31, 2003
Clean 2.1.0 is released for Windows, MacOS X, Linux, and Solaris. Major new features are: abstract synonym types, boxed records, stack overflow checks without overhead, code optimizations, optimizing linkers for Linux and Solaris, MacOS X support for Object I/O 1.2. and IDE (Carbon), direct code generation on Solaris, version for Linux that bootstraps from ABC files, major improvements in the dynamics implementation on Windows.
December 12, 2002
Clean 2.0.2 is released for PC, PowerMac, Linux, and Solaris. It includes experimental support for generic programming, improved support for dynamics (polymorphic types included), strict lists and many bug fixes.
July 4, 2002
Clean 2.0.1 is released for PC, PowerMac, Linux, and Solaris. It includes a proof tool dedicated to Clean programs (Sparkle), dynamic typing and linking, and many new language features.
December 21, 2001
Clean 2.0 is released for the Windows platform. It includes a proof tool dedicated to Clean programs (Sparkle), dynamic typing and linking, and many new language features.
September 13, 2000
Clean 1.3.3 and ObjectIO 1.1.1 are released for the Windows and Macintosh platforms. The ObjectIO 1.2 library for windows is split in three parts: ObjectIO 1.2.1, TCP library 1.2.1 and game library 1.2.1.
Two new libraries are released: ExtendedArith 1.0 and StdLib 1.0. All these libraries can be downloaded here.
April 13, 2000
The new Clean Integrated Development Environment, The Clean IDE version 2.0, is released for the Windows platform. [[Download|To download it, click here]. It includes a new editor, project manager, search facilities, and many, many faclilities to make life easier for the Clean programmer.
The system is entirely written in Clean itself on top of the Object IO library. So, this new IDE is a nice example that you can write serious applications is Clean.
April 4, 2000
Mike Wiering has made a new Tile Editor. The tiles are used for making sprites, animations and background layers for the 2D Clean games as supported by the game library. When you have made the drawings (or changed the exiting ones of the example games), Clean code can be generated such that the drawings can be controlled in the program.
February 16, 2000
Great and huge Object IO library for programming graphical user interfaces on a high level of abstraction. Includes all you need to make a professional looking windows application, lightweight processes, support for printing, bitmap handling, a game library, the latest TCP library and much more. The library comes with many examples, including three nice platform games.
February 15, 2000
New library module made by Marco Kesseler added. It contains functions for JPEG and Huffman decoding.