Clean is a continuous work in progress. If you have any ideas about what is missing in Clean or could be improved you can add them to this page. Adding something to the wishlist does not automatically mean that your great idea will be added to Clean. This list is just a place to collect ideas about how Clean could be improved.
Generic functions with multiple dependencies
Currently, a generic function in Clean automatically depends on itself only. Often, a generic function is a complicated mixture of multiple tasks, which are normally handled by different generic functions. Because of the dependency restriction in Clean, this requires the developer to combine several generic functions into a single generic function, together with additional parameters which denote the current state/mode/function of the generic function.
If a generic function can depend on multiple other generic functions, we are able to define concise generic functions, each with a specific task. This improves the readability, maintainability, and usability of generic functions. Furthermore, specialization of a generic function becomes more fine-grained since we can choose to specialize a single generic function which performs a specific task, instead of specializing a generic function which performs multiple tasks.
--Thomas van Noort 09:49, 24 April 2008 (CEST)
Interactive Debugger
Personally I find interactive debuggers to be invaluable tools for really shipping software. It would be great if Clean grew to have one (cf. Haskell, Erglang, O'Caml).
--Raould 00:31, 23 August 2008 (CEST)
IDE on GNU/Linux
It would be nice to have Clean's IDE on GNU/Linux.
--LeandroMattioli 00:25, 23 November 2008 (CEST)
Compiler Option Check Overflow
Could the IDE support a compiler option to have the executable check on numeric overflow? Just like you can have a program check on index out of range. And maybe there are more cases I dont know of where the executable currently continues with debatable intermediate results
--Erik Zuurbier 26 August 2010